powered by CADENAS


Manual Blocks [<specification of types>]


Definition der Verschraubungstypen:

Die Schlüssel "Unit", "Hole" und "Counterbore" gehören zu den Verschraubungstyp-Filtern (Default).


  • ClassIdsSide=ClassNames

    • Side: Die Seite, an die diese Klassen angebaut werden kann (Boltside, Nutside).

    • ClassNames: Alle Klassen der Klassifikation "PCon".

  • Description: Die Beschreibung, die der Benutzer sieht.

  • Unit, Hole, Counterbore:

    Die Einheit, Bohrung und Senkbohrung unter der dieser Verschraubungstyp verfügbar ist (getrennt durch Komma).

    Die Groß-/Kleinschreibung ist wichtig und muss korrekt sein.


Definition of the connection types:

The keys "Unit", "Hole" and "Counterbore" are part of the connection type filters (default).


  • ClassIdsSide=ClassNames

    • Side: The side the classes can be placed (Boltside, Nutside).

    • ClassNames: All classes of the classification "PCon".

  • Description: The description the user will see.

  • Unit, Hole, Counterbore:

    The unit, hole and counterbore where this connection type is available (multiple values have to be stated separated by comma).

    The lower/upper case is important and has to be correct.  Key "ClassIdsSkipErp"

Always show holes (without ERP integration as well) regardless whether button "Preferred rows on/off" is activated or not.

Normally holes are not managed via ERP. Meaning that these are "red" and thus are hidden when (Preferred rows on/off) is on.

"Preferred rows on/off" in ERP toolbar

"Preferred rows on/off" in ERP toolbar

"Preferred rows on/off" button in "Default toolbar"

"Preferred rows on/off" button in "Default toolbar"

Because this behavior normally is not desired, all classes of holes are explicitly specified in the key "ClassIdsSkipErp" and thus exclude from filtering.

[Note] Note

The setting has to be performed in the configuration file under %cadenas_setup%/partconnection.cfg for each desired type of connection [section] always in the key ClassIdsSkipErp.

The holes are already listed per default.


Result in Connection dialog area:

Connection dialog: "Preferred rows on/off" OFF

Connection dialog: "Preferred rows on/off" OFF

Connection dialog: "Preferred rows on/off" ON: Holes are displayed - although "red"

Connection dialog: "Preferred rows on/off" ON: Holes are displayed - although "red"