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Manual Block [SettingsSearch] - Main settings for searching  Key "VisibleSearchPages" - Visible search methods

In the key "VisibleSearchPages" you can specify the search methods to be shown. This key is deactivated by default.

In the input field enter the desired methods comma separated. At first possibly activate the key.



  • Full-text search

  • Variables search

  • Geometric search (3D)

  • Sketch search (2D)

  • Color search

  • Topology search

Full-text search and Variables search are always available by default. The other search methods require the license "CNS200x*PSADDONS*COMPLEXSEARCH.  Key "GeoSearchHintStepSize" and "GeoSearchHintMinValue" - Search results: Extend minimum similarity at geometric search successively

When, using the Geometric search (3D), the number of displayed search results is lower than the set maximal number due to the requested Minimum similarity, then at the end of the list of search results the button Extend search range to xy% similarity is displayed.

In this figure the button shows the value "Extend search range to 80% similarity". The default value for minimum similarity has been 90%. Using standard settings the percent value is reduced by 10 percent points per click and the search is started again.

In this figure the button shows the value "Extend search range to 80% similarity". The default value for minimum similarity has been 90%. Using standard settings the percent value is reduced by 10 percent points per click and the search is started again.

The percent value of step range to reduce the minimum similarity is set to 10 by default. If you want to change the value, then create the two following keys in PARTadmin under $CADENAS_USER/psolopt.cfg.

If you want to change the standard, then set the two following keys:



The first key determines the step range, the second key sets the lowest minimum similarity.