powered by CADENAS


Manual Use macros

You can collect a sequence of instructions or declarations under a macro name, in order to execute these with one simple command (instead of the single commands) .

Example from the configuration file $CADENAS_SETUP/ifnxteamcenter.cfg:

Macro to encode the part name:


Instead of using "Application.GetObject("iface.teamcenter").EncodePartName" you can simply execute "zb _ENCODE_PARTNAME".

Excerpt from $CADENAS_SETUP/ifacecommon.cfg:

; Macro to decrypt a password.
; Macro to start a ChainCall
; Maco to get the active iface module
; Macro to get the active iface item (InterfaceInfoC)
; Macro to get the current CAD name
;Macro to get the TeamcenterHookService object.
;Macro to get the value of a specific Creationoption. Only works in CreationOptions !

Basically it is recommended to declare encompassing used macros in ifacecommon.cfg, otherwise in the respective specific configuration file.