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Manual  Data transfer and data link

There are three basic requirements concerning data transfer and data link.

  • Initial filling

  • Updating

  • New installation

The above-mentioned processes relate to a first time filling (initial filling) of the LinkDB. The initial filling takes place through PARTdataCenter (For more information on this see under Section 3.1, “ Article assignment Article assignment Urfüllung ” in PARTwarehouse Manual). Data will be exported by a CSV file from third-party systems and then can be read in. Precondition is that the datasets can be clearly identified. With standards parts this takes place using standard number and designation.

Subsequent the necessity occurs of keeping the data up to date and if need be to enter new data.

If the data in the LinkDB are linked, then a continuous updating is easy by using the material master number respectively ERP_PDM_NUMBER (the designation then plays an underpart role).

On this please see the following sections: Cyclical Replication, Online Replication and Direct Online linkage.

New installation of parts is possible for example by use of "SAP MM Gateway" or an individually programmed Gateway. For more information on this see New installation of parts using an ERP Interface.