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The jdbc.cfg is for the database connection data, i.e. Server, Database, in particular the driver class and the URL for the jdbc driver to establish a connection to the database.
This file is organized in DSNs like the following:
# [PLINKDB] # #IP-adress or server name # Server= # #Database name # ServerDB= # #the jdbc driver class # DriverClass=com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.DriverSapDB # #the complete URL for the jdbc driver # URL=jdbc:sapdb://catia2.cadenas/PLINKDB #Examples for different databases: -------------------------------- #MSSQL with JTDS #[PLINKDB_MSSQLJDBC] #Server= #ServerDB=DB-test #DriverClass=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver #URL=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver:// #Oracle: #[PLINKDB_ORACLEJDBC] #DriverClass=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver #URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@servername:1521:PLINKDB #SAP-DB: #[PLINKDB_SAPDBJDBC] #DriverClass=com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.DriverSapDB #URL=jdbc:sapdb://servername/PLINKDB #MySQL: #[PLINKDB_MYSQLJDBC] #DriverClass=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #URL=jdbc:mysql://servername:3306/PLINKDB #Derby (local) (Experimental!): #[PLINKDB_DERBYJDBC] #DriverClass=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver #URL=jdbc:derby:C:\data\derby\plinkdb #Derby (net) (Experimental!): #[PLINKDB_DERBYJDBC] #DriverClass=org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver #URL=jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/plinkdb #Firebird (Experimental!): #[PLINKDB_FIREBIRDJDBC] #DriverClass=org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver #URL=jdbc:firebirdsql:host[/port]:/path/to/db.fdb #example: jdbc:firebirdsql:ora10:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Administrator/Desktop/firebird /data/PLINKDB.FDB#Path is relative to server without drive letter. Data has to be in the same folder of the service executable. #SQ-Lite (pldbdemo) [PLDBDEMO_SQLITEJDBC] #:VALS_S #:HELP;default;IP-adress or server name, on which the database is installed Server=localhost #:VALS_S #:HELP;default;The instance name of the database. Oracle: SID ServerDB=pldbdemo #:VALS_S #:HELP;default;The jdbc driver class. DriverClass=SQLite.JDBCDriver #:VALS_S #:HELP;default;The complete URL for the jdbc driver. Url=jdbc:sqlite:/$CADENAS_USER/sqlite/pldbdemo.db3
For example, in the case of a PLDBDEMO installation the name PDBDEMO_SQLITEJDBC is used for database connection. This description should also be set in the PARTlinkManager under Extras --> Configure ERP environment --> tab Database.