Our 3D CAD supplier models have been moved to 3Dfindit.com, the new visual search engine for 3D CAD, CAE & BIM models.
You can log in there with your existing account of this site.
The content remains free of charge. Block [PARTdataManager] - Globale
Einstellungen für PARTdataManager Keys
"TABCONTENT_..._ENABLED" and "TABCONTENT_..._HIDE_..." - Availability and
visibility of tab content
Zurück | Weiter |
The keys starting with "TABCONTENT..." control the availability or visibility of tabs in PARTdataManager.
Availability of content sections:
Zurück | Nach oben | Weiter | Key "INDEX_SHOW_GENERATE_FILTER_ASSISTANT" - Button "Erweiterter Suchfilter Assistent" on/off | Zum Anfang | Key "TABCONTENT_SEARCHRESULT_DEFAULT_REQUEST_PATH" |