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Manual Standard check

For a catalog update a simple check for possible assignment problems in the LinkDB can be performed.

Immediately when starting the update the following message is displayed.

Dialog box "CIP Installation": Check for possible LinkDB problems?

Dialog box "CIP Installation": Check for possible LinkDB problems?

If you want to perform the check, click on Yes - Check Catalog.

If no problems are detected, the installation is executed without any further notes.

If problems are detected, the dialog box CIP Installation appears. On the tabbed pages ERP Status and PLM Status, the single projects are listed with their status, so that you can decide, whether you want to perform the installation or not.

Dialog box "CIP Installation" with tabbed pages "ERP Status": Here exemplified, the different status such as "to check", "successful" or "not mapped" are displayed.

Dialog box "CIP Installation" with tabbed pages "ERP Status": Here exemplified, the different status such as "to check", "successful" or "not mapped" are displayed.

If yes, then click on the button Install selected catalogs.

[Note] Note

With the help of the Update manager you can later go through the problematic projects and perform assignments.

When clicking on Install selected catalogs the installation is running through. Finally the note on allocation problems is displayed.

Open the Update manager by clicking on the link or open it later in the PARTlinkManager under Extras menu -> Update manager.

Update manager

Update manager

On the left, in the directory structure, you can select single projects and lines. On the right you can see the current mapping. When clicking on the respective icon you can approve or revoke assignments.

Details on the Update manager can be found under Section 4.16.3, “ Catalog update with ERP integration - Fix mapping problems with the Update manager ” in PARTsolutions / PARTcommunity4Enterprise - Administration Manual.

More details on the catalog update with ERP integration can be found under Section 4.16, “ Catalog update with ERP integration ” in PARTsolutions / PARTcommunity4Enterprise - Administration Manual.

[Note] Note

As of V10, mapping information can be created from one to the next catalog version by the catalog modeling. That means, then mapping has not to be performed on the customer side at each update. Details on this can be found under Section 6.10.2, “ Check ERP-Mapping (Add ERP-Mapping... and Edit ERP-Mapping...) ” in eCATALOGsolutions Manual.