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Manual  3D file import

PARTproject -> Extras -> 3D file import

With the 3D file import you can check-in native files within whole directories in the batch run.

Activate the desired format, for import as well as export, using the checkbox.

Apply any additional formats .

In the following diagram, for example, stl files and inventor parts are being imported, but with Native Checkout, only inventor parts are exported.

Apply new line (e.g., enter the format of the CAD)
Delete marked line
Restore default status

  • CAD Identifier:

  • Source directory:

  • Destination directory: can be defined any way (here with the example "Inventor")

  • Filing path:

    Filing path: relative to 23d libs- relative to native-parts

    Filing path: relative to 23d libs- relative to native-parts

    [Note] Note

    The imported parts can be used directly for the geometric search.

    [Note] Note

    For Native check-in/check-out with a PDM data-link, you need the class importer. More information hereto can be found under Section 2.1, “ Classimporter ” in PARTwarehouse Manual.