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Manual  Extrude...

If you make a cut between the 3-D solid and 2-D sketch that occurs through Extrusion of the 2-D sketch, please do the following.

  1. Via New sketch... open the 2-D Sketcher and create a Circle, that is positioned so that it can later penetrate the 3-D solid through extrusion.

  1. Do you want to extrusion to go through the entire body or simply through one length?

    In the Extrusion solid window, make the necessary settings.

In the example, the cuboid is to be completely penetrated, in other words Both directions in the required Length need to be extruded.

-> After confirming with OK both objects are cut. A straight tube is removed from the cuboid.

-> In the History another point shows up (feature): Cut extrusion.

The explanation of the other fields can be found in Section, “ Extrude... ”.