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  • Updated: April 14, 2020
  • Views: 11,611 views

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Why do I get the error message "No valid ticket" and what can I do?

You probably have reached the daily download limit, your account is not activated or the tickets are not enabled for your account.

Please contact CADENAS support or the support of the partner portal directly.

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  • CADENAS Support
    CADENAS Support @Louie Baula You have used up all 50 tickets for today and we cannot reset this. Please continue tomorrow.
    October 12, 2021 - 1 likes this
  • Jeremy Kargas
    Jeremy Kargas I'm getting this issue as well. Not sure where we go to contact CADENAS Support but looks like people have been getting it fixed here.
    November 2, 2021
  • Archie Algeranoff
    Archie Algeranoff If you’re getting the error message "No valid ticket" when you try to do something, then your user account may not be set up properly. This can be caused by various factors and it can also be caused by your hosting provider, Furthermore, you can...  more
    January 28, 2022
  • Nick Staples
    Nick Staples Hello @CADENAS Support

    Getting "No Valid Ticket" Error when attempting to download CAD for ABB E-Stop 2TLA050220R0020
    Could you please assist?
    October 31, 2022