3D CAD MODELS- Eaton Walterscheid - P-GEV...R-WD - with captive seal: NBR* (e. g. Perbunan), Stud thread: BSP thread (parallel) - P-GEV 18 LR-WD WAL373121
EN: Eaton Walterscheid - P-GEV...R-WD - with captive seal: NBR* (e. g. Perbunan), Stud thread: BSP thread (parallel) - P-GEV 18 LR-WD WAL373121
DE: Eaton Walterscheid - P-GEV...R-WD - mit Weichdichtung NBR* (z. B. Perbunan), Einschraubgewinde: Whitworth-Rohrgewinde (zylindrisch) - P-GEV 18 LR-WD WAL373121
FR: Eaton Walterscheid - P-GEV...R-WD - avec joint mou: NBR* (p. ex. Perbunan), Filetage male: Witworth (cilindrique) - P-GEV 18 LR-WD WAL373121