powered by CADENAS


Manual  Add PSOL project link

You can add project links to a PARTsolutions catalog (e.g. Standard catalog) in your own catalog. In this way these projects are available without being directly part of your catalog.

  1. Click on the context menu command Add PSOL project link.

    -> The dialog box Select Project opens showing the complete PARTsolutions catalog structure.

    [Note] Note

    The $CADENAS_DATA content is displayed. The PARTsolutions catalog where the linking refers to has not to be imported into the PARTwarehouse Store.

  2. For example select a certain project in the Standards catalog and confirm with OK.

    -> The linked PARTsolutions project is displayed with project icon . Before committing a blue plus sign is shown inside the icon, after committing a green checkmark.

    Before "Commit"

    Before "Commit"

    After "Commit"

    After "Commit"