powered by CADENAS


Manual General information

The Remote Translation Service serves to process CAD data of a GeoSearch in the CAD in the same way as parts from a PLMsynchro catalog. Therefor, CAD live data used for the GeoSearch have to be enriched with a fingerprint by Capvidia. During a PLMsynchro run the same happens. The Capvidia license is stored on a server which can be accessed by the PLMsynchro run, but not by the CAD-Client during the GeoSearch. Hereto the Remote Translation Service is used; it becomes active, when the STEP file (STL is not recommended due to missing topological features) comes from CAD and effects the creation of the fingerprint by Capvidia. In this way the complete GeoSearch process is optimized.

  • GeoSearch in general but especially for parts which don't have their origin in X0 Y0 Z0

  • Part comparison due to topological feature recognition

  • Fingerprint is created in the same way in PLMsynchro process as in CAD GeoSearch process. No STL or client inaccuracy anymore.

[Note] Note

The Remote Translation Service (PSWorker) and so the Capvidia client can run independently of each other.

GeoSearch is processed on the client or PAPPserver, however, the GeoFingerprint of Capvidia or its ZJV is used.

The following diagram shows the process of a GeoSearch with a CAD part (solid lines):

Standard STEP of CAD part -> Remote Translation Service delegates STEP for conversion to high quality STEP to Capvidia -> Remote Translation Service changes Capvidia STEP to high quality ZJV -> ZJV is now available on the client for a GeoSearch.

Overview graphic on Remote Translation Service

Overview graphic on Remote Translation Service


  • In all exes (in pappserver.exe as well), the Remote Translation Service always delegates the conversion, which is defined in transremote.cfg, to psworker.exe.

  • So only one Capvidia computer is needed, and all processes (also pappserver) apply to this, if needed.

  • CAPVIDIA is required in order to enrich the STEP files.

  • This enrichment always happens on the respective client (seamless or pdatamgr or appserver in the case of WEBAPI search).

  • The actual GeoSearch only uses fingerprints located in the received ZJV. Then these fingerprints are transferred to the PAPPserver for searching.