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Manual Example 2: Set import path via “DTO“

Another example how to set the import path when products are available:

  1. Create a VBS filter node (somewhere in the pipeline after the converter has been processed). Set VBS file (plugin_template_DTO.vbs) and VB Class (PluginBaseC_DTO).

  2. Add the following code to the function DTO:

     ' Create new classification
      Dim classification As PSolUnitProxy.prxClassification_1
      Set classification = CreateObject("wh.Classification_1")
      classification.SystemId = "customID"
      ' Prepare attribute.
      Dim newAttr As PSolUnitProxy.prxProductAttribute_1
      Set newAttr = CreateObject("wh.ProductAttribute_1")
      ' Prepare the attribute value.
      Dim newAttrVal As PSolUnitProxy.prxAttributeValue_1
      Set newAttrVal = CreateObject("wh.AttributeValue_1")
      newAttrVal.Text = "newtestpath/whatever“ ‘ Import Path for parts
      newAttr.Name = "imppath_"
      newAttr.Group = "imppath"
      Set newAttr.Value = newAttrVal
      ' Add Attribute to classification
      ' Add classification to product

  3. Edit Structure Node in PARTdataCenter.

    Document Path: imppath (Group of attribute); imppath_ (Name)

    In classification:
       "SystemId": "customID",
       "AttributeValue": [
               "Name": "imppath_",
               "Group": "imppath",
               "Value": {
                   "Text": "newtestpath2/whatever"