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Manual Search methods / Context menu commands

In the following you can find an overview on the search methods or context menu commands.

  • GeoSearch

    The selected part is the reference part for the search. With click on the menu item GeoSearch the search is started at once.

  • Text search

    When the Text search is used all terms found in the Part information are listed.

    Activate the checkbox at the desired search terms and click on Search.... Via input field you can search with a term of your own choice.

  • Folder Search

    The search delivers all parts of the same directory.

  • Inspiration Search

    This search finds parts with less similarity, but these could possibly contain interesting hints.

  • Price Search Google

    1. On the desired node open the context menu and click on Price Search Google.

      -> The submenu opens.

    2. In the list field select the desired Country for the Google search.

    3. Optionally you can change the search term in the input field.

    4. Start the search with click on Google Pricesearch.

    5. At the very first use of the Google Pricesearch the Enter key dialog box appears.

      If you are not owner of a Google API Key yet, click on the link. A detailed description how to get the key is found under Section, “ Google Translator - Create account” in eCATALOGsolutions Manual.

      Enter your Google API Key and confirm with OK.

    6. -> The price search is processed.

      On each price search result node you can find the command Open web page in the context menu.

  • All values in LinkDB:

    This command is only available with existing ERP integration and for Single parts.

    All available entries in the LinkDB are displayed.

  • Classification Search

    Via classification search you can find all parts with the same classification. In the submenu all classifications are displayed where parts can be found.

    The following figure shows the start of a Classification Search.

    Start of the Classification Search exemplarily for a DIN 6912

    Start of the Classification Search exemplarily for a DIN 6912

    In this example the Cloud Navigator result shows all found standard parts (signalized by the respective icon ) supplier encompassing.

  • Hide Node / Delete node

    • Hide Node (context menu or middle mouse button): This command is available on child nodes where no further searches have been processed.

      With this command you can hide not relevant results. If a node is hidden, then further searches from the same node will not display it again.

      Searches from other nodes can find it regardless.

    • Delete node (context menu) This command is displayed on nodes where a search has already been processed.

      If a node is deleted, all its child nodes are also deleted.

    With the Undo button you can cancel both commands again.

  • Zoom

    That node where you process the command is placed in the center.

    With the mouse wheel you can zoom in and out.

    With single-click on a node you can move it.

    With double-click on a node the GeoSearch is started.

  • Common context

    Under Common context you can find the same context menu commands which are found in the Standard Search.

    [Note] Note

    If you start Geometrical search for this part for example, a standard search is processed. Using the Cloud Navigator Search is not a one way street. You can switch between Standard Search and Cloud Navigation Search anytime.

    In the Cloud Navigation Search you can reach the part comparison via Common context -> Part comparison. Details on this you can find under Section, “ Part comparison ”.