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Manual Export in transfer formats  3D transfer formats

The following 3D transfer formats are available:

  • ItGen

  • PS3-V2 3D

  • PS3-V2 Parametric

The file format *.ps3 on the one hand is the standard format, in which parts, assemblies, etc. are exported from PARTdataManager and with the help of an interface transferred to the respective CAD system. On the other hand files in this format can first be saved at any location and then imported to specific CAD systems.  2D transfer formats

The following 2D transfer formats are available:

  • PS2-V1 2D

  • PS2-V2 2D

After click on the desired format the dialog box Export using PS2-V1/2 2D format opens.

"Export using PS2-V1 2D format" dialog box

"Export using PS2-V1 2D format" dialog box

The following options are available:

Views tabbed page

  • Shortened view: When you want to export the shortened view, then activate the checkbox.

    You can find detailed information on this under Section, “ Alternative 2D size Optimize drawing view on paper size / ”.

  • Source: In the list field there are two options:

    • All 2D derivations

      The selection for individual derivations remains inactive.

    • Selected views:

      At the desired views activate the checkbox.

      Views: Detailed information on the individual views can be found under Section, “ "2D view" dialog box ”.

  • Views:

    The options are only then active, when under Source the option Selected views is selected.

  • Destination file:

    Via browse button ... choose the Destination file, where you want to save the part / assembly.

Filter tabbed page

See ???.