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Manual The individual search methods
  • Full-text search:

    The Full-text search is useful ...

    • ...as standard search for standard and supplier catalogs

      Search for names and dimensions, technical data (combination of text and number), which is included in the characteristic attribute table, classification, standard name, standard number, standard text and names of directories.

      Hexagon bolt M10x50

      or simply

      Hexagon bolt 10 50

    • ... when searching for order numbers

    • ... when searching for topological measures of length

      266 147 12

    • ... at parts, which provide additional information from ERP/PDM system, e.g. material, surface, mechanical resilience, price, storage, etc.

    • ... at parts, which cannot be described by geometry, parts without geometry, glues, oils, electromagnetic parts, all parts, where the outer form is irrelevant

    For details please see Section, “ Full-text search ”.

  • Variables search:

    The Variables search dialog box shows ERP variables by default, is thus advisable if you want to search for material, surface, storage, etc.

    In addition, classified variables such as order number for example are displayed globally at each directory level.

    Furthermore the common variables of the directory level selected on the left are displayed (under Search in, select the currently selected directory).

    For each variable you can find mathematical operators:

    = equal
    <> unequal
    <= less than or equal to
    >= greater than or equal to
    < less
    > greater
    x-y from - to

    For details please see Section, “ Variables search ”.

  • Geometric search (3D):

    The Geometric search (3D) is used based on a reference part

    The Geometric search (3D) can be used ...

    • ... at missing textual information or classification (especially company parts)

    • ... if no adequate search term is known (possibly little expert knowledge)

    • ... in the case of different names for one and the same

    • ... during modelling in order to avoid the creation of duplicates

    • ... to compare supplier and company parts

      Comparison of Benefit
      Company part Company part

      Increase of reuse

      Reduction of duplicates

      Increase of standardization

      Company part Supplier part

      Increase of use of supplier parts

      Supplier part Supplier part

      Supplier comparison

    The Geometric search (3D) provides a result list with percentual similarities


    Select 3D reference part (catalog or file storage)

    Select 3D reference part (catalog or file storage)

    Result list with percentual similarities

    Result list with percentual similarities

    For details please see Section, “ Geometric search (3D) ”.

  • Sketch search (2D):

    Supposed there is no reference part available for a "Geometric search", but you have a clear picture, then use the Sketch search (2D). Make a sketch or import one.

    Draw reference part in 2D or import one

    Draw reference part in 2D or import one



    For details please see Section, “ Sketch search (2D) ”.

  • Color search:

    If the catalog supplier used colors then you can use the Color search in combination with other methods.

    Searching for a red part

    Searching for a red part

    Sample result

    Sample result

    For details please see Section, “ Color search ”.

  • Search for unmachined parts:

    The Search for unmachined parts detects fitting unmachined parts for the production of finished parts or finished parts which can be produced from a certain unmachined part.

    Example finished part from unmachined part: The search detects, whether a part is completely contained in another part: The finished part has to be smaller than the unmachined part, so that it can be produced by removing wasted material.

    The search calculates the volume of the material to remove (waste).

    The search results are depicted in a report.

    The search results are depicted in a report.

    Differences can be analyzed in the part comparison.

    Differences can be analyzed in the part comparison.

    For details please see Section, “ Search for unmachined parts ”.

  • Partial search

    With the Partial search you can search for certain features, patterns and arrangements in parts (assemblies), not for parts itself.

    In the 3D view, select the desired features.


    Selection of a slotted hole

    Selection of a slotted hole

    Result: Other angle and other size, but identical feature

    Result: Other angle and other size, but identical feature

    For details please see Section, “ Partial search ”.

  • Classification 2.0 search:

    Company parts from semi-finished products can be found very simple with the Classification 2.0 search.

    No reference part available -> specify reference part with a filter assistant on the base of templates -> perform search

    Base templates can be enhanced by customer-specific templates.

    For details please see Section, “ Classification 2.0 search ”.

  • Topology search:

    If there is no reference part available for the "Geometric Search (3D)", you can use the Topology search as an alternative as well.

    Using the Topology search makes sense for parts which are described by their shape, but rather by specific features. An angle for example is a sheet of metal curved at a right angle, however the number, size and arrangement of its boreholes is very characterising.

    Search for special topological attributes, which are characteristic for the desired part (within large assemblies as well):

    • Size

    • Area/Volume

    • Boreholes

    • Symmetry

    • Angle

    • Circular pattern

    • etc.


    Example: Search for radial pattern with 8 positions

    Example: Search for radial pattern with 8 positions



    For details please see Section, “ Topology search ”.