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Manual  Attribute mapping in AutoCAD

PARTsolutions variables and all fields in the link database (if a connection exists) can be exported to an AutoCAD via attribute mapping.

These are then available both in the Block attribute manager and in the BOM list.

PARTsolutions standard attributes

PARTsolutions standard attributes

Attribute mapping is controlled via the following blocks:

  • AttributeMapping(is3d) - initialization of blocks and definition of language of PARTsolutions standard attributes - see AttributeMapping(is2d)

  • AttributeMapping(is2d) - initialization of blocks and definition of language of PARTsolutions standard attributes

  • AttributeMapping(isNat) - initialization of blocks and definition of language of PARTsolutions standard attributes - see AttributeMapping(is2d)

  • CadDocumentAttributes(is3d) - Specification of attribute values of certain attributes - see CadDocumentAttributes(is2d)

  • CadDocumentAttributes(is2d) - Specification of attribute values of certain attributes

  • CadDocumentAttributes(isNat) - Specification of attribute values of certain attributes - see CadDocumentAttributes(is2d)

  • BomNormalAttributes - Specification of attribute values of certain attributes

The following describes the single blocks:

[Note] Note

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