powered by CADENAS


Manual Commands to adjust behavior/visibility of PARTsolutions interface menu and workbenches

In the following you can find details on how to adjust the behavior/visibility of PARTsolutions interface menu and workbenches.

The settings have to be done in different blocks (and configuration files):

  • Visibility of menus, workbenches, buttons

    Basic settings are made under $CADENAS_SETUP/ifacecommon.cfg -> Block [UI] -> especially keys starting with "MN_". The settings can be overridden in $CADENAS_SETUP/ifcatia.cfg -> Block [UI] by a same-named key. A detailed description on how the commands in ifacecommon.cfg and ifcatia.cfg interact is found under Section, “Configuring PARTsolutions interface menu and toolbar ”.

    MN_DisplayText_50=Einfügen 3D
    MN_HelpText_50=3D-Teil oder -Baugruppe aus einer Bibliothek einfügen

  • Activation (initialization) of menus, workbenches, buttons

    $CADENAS_SETUP/ifcatia.cfg -> Block [INTERFACE]

    If the respective key ("_SHOW_" commands) is activated then the command is loaded at startup. (If no ifcatia_start.cfg is used. See next point.) If the key is disabled the code and command will not be available in CATIA. Details are found under Section, “Block [INTERFACE] - Keys with "_SHOW" - Load function”.


    [Note] Note

    The commands from block [UI] and [INTERFACE] have to interact correctly.

  • Determine time of initialization of PARTsolutions (optionally)

    With the use of the configuration file ifcatia_start.cfg you can achieve a quicker CATIA start, because then the PARTsolutions initialization only happens when the first toolbar button has been clicked. Furthermore in this case only those functions are available which have been activated in this config file.

    Excerpt from ifcatia_start.cfg

    ;// CALL_INIT_API3 
    ;//      Define the Init-Level of PSC-Interface during the CATIA Start.
    ;//      =YES  : Full initialization of PS-Interface
    ;//      =NO   : Minimal initialization of PS-Interface <-- quicker CATIA start as result
    #:HELP;default;Define the Init-Level of PSC-Interface during the CATIA Start. YES  : 
     Full initialization of PS-Interface | NO   : Minimal initialization of PS-Interface 
     --> quicker CATIA start as result

    In order to achieve a quicker CATIA start the "CALL_INIT_API3" command has to be activated and the value has to be "NO".


    [Note] Note

    When using ifcatia_start.cfg only those functions are available which have been activated and whose value is set on "yes".


    (The same keys exist in $CADENAS_SETUP/ifcatia.cfg -> Block [INTERFACE], but will not be used.)

    [Note] Note

    If you activate the quick CATIA start with this config, please also set the commands for visibility in ifcatia.cfg in parallel to avoid troubles with hidden buttons - but still working functionality. See above.


    Export to drawing is possible, even though there is no PdataMgr Button inside the drawing workbench.