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Manual Block [SettingsIndexTree]  Key "HiddenItemToolbarEntries" - Set buttons in search result list visible or hidden via configuration file

You can hide the buttons in the search result list via configuration file:

Perform the setting under PARTadmin -> category Configuration files -> $CADENAS_USER -> pdatamgr.cfg -> section [SettingsIndexTree] -> key HiddenItemToolbarEntries.

  1. Activate the key HiddenItemToolbarEntries.

    If you want to hide all buttons, then that's it.

  2. Otherwise you can list the desired button parameters comma separated.

     FileTreeSetSecondComparePartAction,FileTreeExportToCadAction  Key "PreviewPerLine" - Search results: Show line preview images

In supplier catalogs the line preview images don't differ mostly, in own parts catalogs this may happen frequently.

At search results line preview images are displayed per default (if available, otherwise the project preview image).

Project with different line preview images

Project with different line preview images

Via configuration file the behavior can be changed, so that the project preview images is displayed for all lines.

Configuration file: pdatamgr.cfg


1: Line preview images are displayed (if available), otherwise the project preview image (default)

0: The project preview image is displayed basically.  Keys "DefaultCellSize" "MinCellSize" "MaxCellSize" - Adjust minimal and maximal tile size in the Symbols view



Adjust minimal and maximal tile size in the Symbols view .

Also see ???.