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5.17.3. Scripting - further possibilities

  • Export

    • Default

      For exportability the red/green status of the highest assembly is exclusively responsible; when selecting Export only this status is verified.

      The control of the red/green status is set independent of this in PARTadmin under Roles --> Export restriction .

      For more information look in the PARTsolutions manual for administrators in the section PARTadmin --> roles.

      If nothing is engaged by scripting, the same red/green status will show up in the Bill of material as in the table.

    • Special terms

      Per scripting, the status of the main level can be controlled as desired:

      Possible and reasonable would be the following questions:

      • Are all sub-assemblies set to green?

      • Are all parts in the sub-assemblies set to green?

      • Allow exception: "NO CAD" parts are allowed to have red lights.

      • Are there specific variables with a specific value?

      • any other questions

      If no script is available, the red/green status in the main table will be used.

  • Add dataset to link database

    • Assemblies can only receive numbers if all sub-assemblies and parts also have numbers.

[Note] Note

Make sure that additionally used scripts are also considered during updating!