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Manual  Set fields

You can use this command in different ways:

  • Via directory tree

    This way you can edit datasets within a selected directory all at once.

  • After selection of one single dataset

  • After selection of one single dataset

    Either with the SHIFT key all together, or with the CTRL key by single selection.

"Set fields" lists the editable columns of ERPTABLE. Clicking a title it can be edited in the Set values window.

Set fields

Set fields

With "Active status" and "Requested status" choose the wished value in the pull-down menu.

With all other fields directly enter the value or open the Generate value sequence window with the Extended button.

With Generate you create a random number like e.g. *#1127406149.%VAR%.

Using the other optional fields you can adjust the automatically generated values.

Generate value sequence

Generate value sequence