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Manual Interpretation of similar blocks with and without category

The following example should clarify which logic the interpretation follows if the same block is used once with and once without a category.


The "CreationOptions" block occurs twice. Once without additional categories and once with category "2d".

[CreationOptions] [CreationOptions(2d)]

Key 1 = x

Key 2 = y

Key 1 = z

Key 3 = u

  • Result if rule "2d" applies:

    -> Both blocks are evaluated.

    Keys that only show up in one block each are used in every case. For keys that occur in both blocks, the block with the appropriate category has priority over the other one and overwrites the value of the other key.

    Key 1 = z

    Key 2 = y

    Key 3 = u

  • Result when rule "2d" does not apply:

    -> Only the block "CreationOptions" is evaluated.

    Key 1 = x

    Key 2 = y