powered by CADENAS


Manual Program files

Part of the AutoORG® - mySAP PLM CADENAS integration are the following files:

  • sapcadenassrv.exe (executable program file) (Default: RFC-Library used)

    Sapcadenassrvu.exe (Optional: RFC-Unicode Library used)

    Sapcadenassrvnw.exe (Optional: NetWeaver Library used)

    (One out of these files is used)

    This is the central file both for the SAP MM integration and for the SAP PLM integration. You can find a detailed description under Section, “Integration file "sapcadenassrv.exe"”.

  • sapcadenassrv.cpr (license file)

  • [lib]qt-mt*[.dll/so] (Trolltech Qt library)

  • sapcadenassrv.ini (general configuration file)

    This is the main configuration file from AutoORG® - mySAP PLM CADENAS integration.

    A basic description is found in the configuration file itself.

    Details are found in the installation manual "AutoORG® - mySAP PLM CADENAS Integration" of the CIDEON Software GmbH.

    If you have any questions please contact the CADENAS Consulting Team.

  • saplogon.ini (primary configuration file for the connect to the SAP system)

  • saprfc.ini (secondary configuration file for the connect to the SAP system - all settings are also possible via saplogon.ini)

  • saptrans.ini (configuration file for calling up any SAP transaction)

  • swdongle.ini (configuration file for the software dongle)

  • erpcustom.cfg (PARTsolutions Konfigurationsdatei)