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Manual Keys "feature_group_xx"

Feature groups

Add model feature types into feature groups during export.


feature_group_IND=typeofobject:groupname:embed_choice (0 for no, 1 for yes)
  • feature_group_IND: internal index of the feature group object

  • typeofobject: feature type; valid feature types are:

    • axis

    • plane

    • sketch

    • solid

    • thread

  • groupname: name of the "leaf" feature group that will hold features of a given type

  • embed_choice:

    • 0: features in the group will not be embedded into the group folder (i.e., referenced)

    • 1: features in the group will be embedded into the group folder (i.e., moved)

  • parent_feature_group: branch structure from immediate parent.