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Manual Edit existing geometry

Trim element with other :

Stub and/or trim lines onto a cut-off point.

  1. Click o n line areas to be cut off.

  2. Click on cut off point. --> Excess line area will be removed.

Trim elements to each other :

Stub and/or trim two lines onto a corner.

  1. Click on first element to be trimmed.

  2. Click on second element to be trimmed.

  3. Click on intersection or "cut-off corner".

Cut element between 2 elements :

Remove line area between two points.

  1. Click on element to be split.

  2. Click on starting point of the area to be removed.

  3. Click on endpoint

Trim length of line :

Change line length.

  1. Click on line at fixed end.

  2. Click on intersection or "cut-off corner".

  3. Set exact new length of line in the Change parameter window.

Radius with 2 elements :

Chamfer lines that do not intersect.

  1. Click on first line and/or circle..

  2. Click on the second line and/or circle.

  3. Position radius with cursor.

  4. Set exact radius in the Change parameter window.

Chamfer at 2 lines defined by angle at distance from intersection :

Chamfer between 2 lines, "adjustable" via the angle to the first selected line and the distance of the chamfer to the (imaginary) intersection of both lines

  1. Click on first line.

  2. Click on second line.

  3. Set exact distance (1) and angle (2) in the Change parameter window.

Chamfer at 2 lines defined by angle and chamfer length :

Chamfer between 2 lines, "adjustable" via the angle to the first selected line and the length (chamfer).

  1. Click on first line.

  2. Click on second line.

  3. Set chamfer length (1) and angle in the Change parameter window.

Chamfer at 2 lines defined by angle and chamfer height :

Chamfer between 2 lines, "adjustable" via the angle to the first selected line and the indent length (distance chamfer/intersection).

  1. Click on first line.

  2. Click on second line.

  3. Set indent length (1) and angle (2) in the Change parameter window.

Chamfer centered at 2 lines defined by distance to intersection :

45° chamfer between 2 lines, "adjustable" via the length of the distance of the chamfer to the (imaginary) intersection of both lines..

  1. Click on first line.

  2. Click on second line.

  3. Apply exact length (1) in window Change parameter.

Chamfer centered at 2 lines defined by chamfer length :

45° chamfer between 2 lines, "adjustable" via the length of the chamfer.

  1. Click on first line.

  2. Click on second line.

  3. Apply exact length (1) in window Change parameter.

Chamfer centered at 2 lines defined by distance to intersection :

45° chamfer between 2 lines, "adjustable" via the length of the cut line area.

  1. Click on first line.

  2. Click on second line.

  3. Apply exact length (1) in window Change parameter.