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14.7.2. Translate Media Variables

  1. In the PARTtemplateDesigner, in the settings dialog for Template, click on the button Open in PARTproject.

    [Note] Note

    Newly created Media Variables are displayed in PARTproject not until the modul has been opened again.

  2. In PARTproject, select the tabbed page Documents.

  3. In the dialog area Key, select the Media Variable to be edited.

    Directly after the new creation of a variable only the default language has a value.

    In the following exemplary figure this is "Wert".

  4. Now select that language in the dialog area Language, which you want to assign a translation.

  5. In the dialog area Text view, enter the desired translation and confirm with OK in this dialog area.

  6. Repeat the procedure for all Media Variables to be translated.

  7. Finally save all changes in PARTproject.


Now the respective translation is displayed, depending in which language the PDF datasheet is created.

Media Variables "Headline_Merkmal" and "Headline_Wert" in German

Media Variables "Headline_Merkmal" and "Headline_Wert" in German

Media Variables "Headline_Merkmal" and "Headline_Wert" in English

Media Variables "Headline_Merkmal" and "Headline_Wert" in English