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Manual Move project

Project files can be moved to any positions in the directory tree.

  1. Mark the desired file and click on Move project .

  2. Mark the required directory or the required folder to which you wish to save the project.

--> The Insert Project command is now available to you in the related context menu.

  1. Click on this command.

  1. Enter the source and destination directory of the project file to be moved in the Move project menu window.

[Note] Note

Project files may be part of an assembly. In this case, the assembly must also "be informed" of the new file location (path). Otherwise, the assembly will be unable to "find" the individual parts in question and, consequently, will be unable to assemble the assembly.

You should thus activate the Adapt links in assemblies option button and enter the Assemblies path (Browse button ... in which the assembly is located.

--> After confirming with OK the project is entered at the desired location.