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Manual  Extrude...

Open: Base -> Extrude...

Open: Base -> Extrude...

The sketch is displayed in the 3D view

The sketch is displayed in the 3D view

The Extrude... command opens the Extrusion solid page.

  • Last name: Per default "Base extrude xy" shows up. The numbers go up consecutively with each new extrusion.

    You may change the name. However, use only ANSI characters (in other words: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and spaces).

  • In the Length field you can set the measurement of the stretch of the 2-D object.

    1 = direction; 2 = length

    1 = direction; 2 = length

  • Against surface normal extruding means pulling into opposite sides.

    Both directions completes the extrusion along and against the plane normal.

    Against surface normalAgainst surface normal

    Against surface normalAgainst surface normal

    Both directionsBoth directions

    Both directionsBoth directions

  • Different lengths : With this option the 2-D sketch is also extruded in both directions, yet with the possibility of defining different extrusion lengths.

    The length against the plane normal can be set in the field below Different lengths (in this case "30").

  • Draft : In order to create a draft from a 2-D sketch, enter the respective angle measurements into the draft field.

  • You can connect a Condition to an extrusion as well. Possible characters are &, |, !=, =, >, <, >= and <=.

    Example: The sketch should only be extruded if for variable H (height) ea value larger than 10 has been set.

    Construction steps (features) which, based on their condition are excluded, will be deactivated in the history and identified by a symbol.

After you have left the context menu Extrusion solid via OK, you will see a new feature in the History called Base extrude 1.

In the 3D view the sketch shows up as a solid body.