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  • Updated: May 2, 2014
  • Views: 8,285 views

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FAQ Description

How can I request charges and delivery date at supplier?

Follow the steps listed below to send a request for quotation:

  1. Make sure that you are in the dialog are 3D CAD CATALOGS and select the desired catalog. 
  2. At directory level  select product groups as long as a concrete assembly  or concrete single part  has been specified.

    -> As soon as a concrete row has been determined, a 3D view and dimensional drawings are loaded under CAD model preview.

  3. Under Actions click on Request for quotation.

    -> The dialog for inputting your quotation request opens.

    Fill in the input fields completely and click on Send request, to send the request. 

  4. Note
    In order to get a preview of your enquiry click on Preview request.

    -> A dialog box with a preview of the request opens.
  5. As soon as the e-mail was sent, you will receive the confirmation Email has been sent successfully.