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White Noise Machines:

  • May 15, 2023

    When we think of noise, we may think of the sounds around us: cars honking, people yelling, or dogs barking. But there’s another type of noise that can keep us awake at night—or prevent us from falling asleep in the first place: ambient noise. Ambient sound doesn’t have to be loud; it just has to be random or unpredictable. This type of “white” noise can disrupt your sleep cycle because it keeps your brain from entering into deeper stages of sleep. Fortunately, a white noise machine here to help!

    What is white noise?

    White noise is sound that’s made up of all frequencies, with no particular pattern or pitch. It sounds like static, but it can be used to block out other noises–especially those that might keep you awake at night.

    White noise machines are small devices that generate this type of sound and play it through speakers or headphones. They’re an excellent way to drown out other noises so you can sleep more deeply and restfully through the night (and even during the day).