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Manual  XML reader

The XML reader can read a XML file which was written by a XML writer.

In Fig. „ XML writer node“ in Section, “XML Writer” the XML writer node was after the Conversion service.

In order to read we start a pipeline with a XML reader and then go on with the node AttributeMapper.

Node "XML reader" followed by "AttributeMapper"

Node "XML reader" followed by "AttributeMapper"

Parameters that must be configured for the XML reader are Input and Conversion.

Parameter "Input" and "Conversion"

Parameter "Input" and "Conversion"

  • Input: Directory where the XML files are stored

  • File mask: File mask for the XML files (e.g., *.xml, 084904.xml)

  • Conversion:

    • Conversion path: Path which is used for conversion (can be found in XML “_conversion_path” or you copy it from the Conversion node which created the XML file)