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Manual Automated assignment of variants

In order for variants to be automatically assigned in the course of an automated process you can markup variables as potential variable carriers.

  1. When using the current example further on and not wanting to import a new CSV catalog then please remove the already existing assignments under Products via Remove category from catalog.

  2. Change the view to Workspace -> Processes -> Article Assignment -> <Process name> again.

  3. Select the node Attribute Mapping Filter.

  4. Mark the desired variable as a variant by activating the checkbox.

    Using the vertical arrow keys you can adjust the processing sequence of the variables.

    [Note] Note

    Please regard to position variants at the end of the list![a]

    [a] Internally, first all lines are detected which match the uppermost parameter (here exemplarily "D"). Then these are a pre-selection for matching the following parameter (here "L").

    [Note] Note

    To use different processes in parallel (for different CSV catalogs, but also for the same catalog in order to optimize results) there are different possibilities:

    • Under Processes -> Article Assignment you can create any number of processes (context menu command Add new process).

      Article Assignment with several processes

      Article Assignment with several processes

    • Furthermore you can save and call processes (possibly modify). Click on the "Save" icon .

      Save processes locally or in the network to call them anytime.

      Save processes locally or in the network to call them anytime.

  5. Perform the process again.

    Now the variant is correctly identified which can be seen by the entry in the second last column (varset).