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Manual Example 1 - Attribute mapping - Standard procedure

The example in hand uses 4 characteristics of a DIN 914 (see adjoining CSV file) and shall show the complete procedure based on the template Attribute mapping.[a]

CSV data

CSV data

[a] The used sample file article_mapping_search_din914.csv can be found under "$CADENAS/training/partdatacenter/article_number_assignment".

  1. Create catalog from CSV file:

    In the context menu of Workspace -> Catalogs -> Import catalog, click on Import from CSV. Proceed as described under Section 1.1.3, “Create catalog from CSV file”.


    [Note] Note

    The display name in PARTdataCenter is according to the CSV name.

  2. Add new process:

    In the context menu of Workspace -> Processes -> Article Assignment, click on the command Add new process.

    --> The dialog box Pipeline Template Selection is opened.

  3. Select the template Attribute mapping and confirm with OK.

    Load template for Attribute mapping

    Load template for Attribute mapping

    -> The pipeline is displayed.[5]

    -> The dialog box Number search options is opened.

  4. In the dialog box Number search options, under Select the source catalog, click on the search button ....

    In the dialog box Field selection, determine the desired CSV catalog and confirm with OK.

    -> The desired source catalog is inserted in the dialog box Number search options. Confirm with OK again.

    -> Now the node Product Source is green.

  5. Select the node Class Filter.

    Select the option Fields from catalog containing the standard number (e.g. ISO 1234) and via search button determine the desired field, which in this case means "Norm [Standard]".

    Leave the other default settings.

  6. Select the node Attribute Mapping Filter.

    Move the variables needed for the identification of the correct characteristic to the right side via arrow key . For the DIN 914 used here these are the variables "Diameter" (Durchmesser) and "Length" (Länge).

    In the column Mapping PSol Column, click into the field and in the input field, enter the variable name in the PARTsolutions catalog. Here D and L.

    Leave the checkboxes in the column Allow variants deactivated.

  7. Click on the Start button in order to execute the pipeline.

    -> In the docking window Performance a respective message is displayed.

  8. You can save the process optionally, so that you can reuse it anytime later (possibly modified). Click in the icon .

  9. Result:

    Open the product assignments under Workspace -> Catalogs -> <name of CSV catalog> -> Products.

    [Note] Note

    Click on the Refresh button, to ensure that the current result is displayed.

    -> The results are displayed.

    All characteristics of the product DIN 914 (CSV catalog) have been uniquely (= 100%) assigned to the correct lines in the PARTsolutions catalog.

  10. Finally you can export the link information into the link database or first export into a CSV file and later into the LinkDB from there. Compare Section 1.1.9, “LinkDB export (Directly or via CSV file)”.

[5] When selecting the single nodes, the respective setting options are displayed.