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2.5.5. Fides

The following Ford Fides integration description is valid as of Ford Fides version 4.32.

Part inserted from PARTdataManager

Part inserted from PARTdataManager

In the following you can find some important information concerning installation and functions.

  • Installation of interface

    During the installation routine you are requested to insert the path of the Ford Fides installation.

    Path to Ford Fides installation

    Path to Ford Fides installation

  • Insert part from PARTsolutions Standard and supplier parts library:

    1. Under FIXTURE_DESIGN dialog box, Load/Change Standard click on New.

    2. -> The view in the directory tree changes to the PARTsolutions interface file.[a]

      Click on it.

      -> The view changes to PARTdataManager or PARTdataManager is launched.

      Calling of PARTsolutions / PARTdataManager

      Calling of PARTsolutions / PARTdataManager

      [a] You can also manually set this file by browsing the directory tree.

    3. Choose the desired part in PARTdataManager.

    4. Transfer the part to Fides via clicking on Transfer to CAD .

      -> The view changes back to Fides and the part is inserted.

      [Note] Note

      Using Do not transfer to CAD you can return to Fides without conducting any action.

    See also Section 2.6.1, “ Insert model (3D) from the Standard and supplier parts library ”.

  • Replace part

    1. Select an "Entity".

    2. Click Load/Change Standard, Change.

      -> The view changes to PARTdataManager or PARTdataManager is launched.

    3. Choose the replacement part in PARTdataManager.

    4. Transfer the part to Fides via Transfer to CAD .

      -> The view changes back to Fides and the before selected "Entity" is replaced.