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Manual  Color search

On the tabbed page Color search you can find the following setting options:

"Settings" dialog box -> "Color search" tabbed page

"Settings" dialog box -> "Color search" tabbed page

  • Number of displayed colors

  • Number of colors which are selected by default

    You can see the result under Search dialog box -> Search tabbed page - > Color tabbed page.

    Four colors have been selected here according to the default value in the settings. You may adjust the default for each search in the dialog box "Color search". Or choose the option "Use whole image for search".

    Four colors have been selected here according to the default value in the settings. You may adjust the default for each search in the dialog box "Color search". Or choose the option "Use whole image for search".

  • Number of entries in search history:

    Via this option you can change the maximal length of the search history in the section History.

    Via this option you can change the maximal length of the search history in the section History.