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Manual  Modus "Details"

In the Details mode you will receive more information such as Name, Description, Version, Unit, End date, etc. in a table view.

To navigate in the depths, double-click on a row.

Results after double-clicking:

Call 3D Tooltip

Especially when a small preview image is shown, it is helpful to display 3D Tooltip + Technical details (if available). Hereto move the mouse over the preview image.

[Note] Note

3D Tooltip + Technical details are displayed on project level.

Example: 3D Tooltip + Technical details in "Details" mode

Example: 3D Tooltip + Technical details in "Details" mode

The 3D Tooltip is scalable and animated. In the down right corner you can find a drag point to draw up the size. The extensions of X, Y and Z axis are automatically displayed.

In PARTdataManager under Extras menu -> Preferences... -> Part selection, you can determine, whether and how the tooltip shall be displayed..

Preferences... -> Part selection

Preferences... -> Part selection

  • Show tooltip with previews

  • 3D Tooltip: No 3D Tooltip | Large | Medium | Small

  • Show technical previews in tooltips

Order and visibility of columns

You can set the order and visibility of columns in the dialog box Select columns.

Right-click on a column header.

In the dialog box that shows up, you can activate/deactivate and move the desired columns.

Set order and visibility of columns

Set order and visibility of columns


Via clicking on a column header, you can sort the rows depending on the values of the desired column.

If you use ERP integration, then you can sort via the red-green folder characteristic in addition.

[Note] Note

The date format of Windows is used. You can define the format in the "Region and Language" dialog.

The date format is automatically adapted to the set $CADENAS_LANGUAGE. Using English for example "2011/05/02" is displayed.