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4.17.9.  Update full-text search index / plinkcommon.cfg -> Block [Common] -> Key "UPDATESEARCHINDEX"

Update of full-text search index at each LINKDB change:


Value range: 0/1 (default: 0)

Up to V9.08 the key was used to update the ERP search index once an ERP number had been added (locally on the client).

As of V10, when adding an ERP number, an entry in the LOGTABLE is made. In this way a "Task" on the AppServer updates the ERP search index. Details on this can be found under Section, “ Logging of LinkDB changes ”.

That's why, as of V10, the local creation on the client is "off" by default (UPDATESEARCHINDEX=0).

If the value is set on 1 then, when starting a catalog update a message is displayed whether you want to automatically update the ERP search index after the installation.

Do you want to update the ERP search indexes automatically after installation?

Do you want to update the ERP search indexes automatically after installation?