powered by CADENAS


Manual Settings on project level

When opening certain standard or supplier parts, the window Obsolete standard part/manufacturer part may show up in the PARTdataManager, in which one or more parts are listed, which are loaded instead of the original selection (if this possibility was activated in the configuration file replace_std.cfg).

If you set the key TREEICONS Section, “General settings” (see below) to value '1', distinct symbols will additionally be displayed in the PARTdataManager directory tree for replaced or crossed out standards.

Old standard crossed out without replacement (no entry under NEW1, 2, etc.)

Old standard replaced by at least one other parts family

Old standard replaced by at least one other parts family and old standard locked (ALLOW_OLD=0)

Symbols - Directory tree

Symbols - Directory tree

You can access the configuration file in PARTadmin under category Configuration files -> $CADENAS_DATA/datasetup -> replace_std.cfg.

Sections with project path

In the following sections, you specify the detached standard and supplier parts. Section name is the complete relative path from the catalog down to the project file.

[norm/din_en_iso/schrauben/zylinderschrauben/din_912.prj] (exemplarily)

  • ALLOW_OLD = (Value range 0 or 1)

    If set to 0, the button Obsolete standard part/manufacturer part is grayed out.

  • EXPORT_OLD = (Value range 0 or 1)

    • 0: When exporting a part the following message is displayed:

      This part is said to be obsolete and may not exported by you.

    • 1: Part may be exported.

  • CREATENR_OLD = (Value range 0 or 1)

    If set to 1, the button Add dataset to link database is grayed out.

  • NEW1 = norm/din_en_iso/schrauben/zylinderschrauben/din_en_iso_4762.prj

    Relative path to new project (starting with the catalog name).

    [Note] Note

    If no entry is made, the icon for Replaced without substitution" will be displayed.

Specify all projects in this way.

Separate replacement table

The specification of the replacement file can occur in the replace_std.cfg file, or, with larger amounts of data, in a separate table of the LinkDB (REPLACE_TABLE).

In the "Keys" field, the key must be given.

In the "Value" field, you must enter the value.

In the "Keys" field, the key must be given.

In the "Value" field, you must enter the value.






0 or 1



0 or 1



0 or 1



norm/ din_en_iso/ schrauben/ zylinderschrauben/ din_en_iso_4762.prj



More project may be given, which are to be listed. These will be called NEWx in increments.

norm/din_en_iso/schrauben/zylinderschrauben/din_912.prj incremented.


Other project