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Manual  Connections: Always show holes (also without ERP integration) when "preferred rows" and "filtered tree" is on (9.03)

Normally holes are not managed via ERP. Meaning that these are "red" and thus are hidden when (Preferred rows on/off) is on.

Because this behavior normally is not desired, you can explicitly declare all classes of holes via configuration file in an extra key and thus exclude from filtering.

[Note] Note

The setting has to be performed in the configuration file under %cadenas_setup%/partconnection.cfg for each desired type of connection [section] always in the key ClassIdsSkipErp.

The holes are already listed per default.



"Preferred rows on/off" and "Display filtered tree" OFF

"Preferred rows on/off" and "Display filtered tree" OFF

"Preferred rows on/off" and/or "Display filtered tree" ON: Holes are displayed regardless

"Preferred rows on/off" and/or "Display filtered tree" ON: Holes are displayed regardless