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Settings in the block [ERPTABLE-IDENTIFY-COLUMNS]

  • Here the columns are entered which are needed for the line identification in the LinkDB. If no adequate line is found and createEmptyERPdataSetIfUnknown = 1, then a new line is created.


    The default setting is used, if on the side of PARTsolutions the unique number is found in the column ERP_PDM_NUMBER and in the third party system the corresponding information is found in the first column of the CSV file.


    • Example 1:

      In this example the unique number on the side of PARTsolutions is found in the column "SAP_MAT_NR". In the third party system the corresponding information is found in the second column of the CSV file.


    • Example 2:

      Several CSV columns are required in order to identify the correct line in the LinkDB.

      At the value in the first CSV column the leading zeros shall be removed, then an underscore be added and finally the value from column 2 be attached.

      ERP_PDM_NUMBER=""&row.cells.item(0).value & "_" & row.cells.item(1).value

      Excerpt from the CSV file from column 1 and 2:

      0000014245      001

      Result: The LinkDB search for the adequate line is performed with:


    • Example 3:

      For the identification of the correct LinkDB line several CSV columns, respectively LinkDB columns are needed.


    • Example 4:

      If a value shall be set in a certain column use the following expression:
