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4.10.  Basic design of "new ident-no." dialog box - erpcustom.cfg -> Block [USERDIALOG]

General information:

  1. Settings for the dialog box new ident-no. are used both for calling by Add dataset to link database and by Request ERP number per e-mail .

    • Add dataset to link database: The basic dialog contains a field for the ERP number.

      Add dataset to link database: The basic dialog contains a field for the ERP number.

    • Request ERP number per e-mail: Basic dialog plus respective fields from plinkcommon.cfg or plinkgroups.cfg.

      Request ERP number per e-mail: Basic dialog plus respective fields from plinkcommon.cfg or plinkgroups.cfg.

  2. The dialog can be designed for all users in the same way or user-specific.

    • Common dialog:

      Just use the block [USERDIALOG].

    • User-specific dialog:

      Use the following syntax.



      Ein bestimmtes Feld ist vielleicht für den Administrator interessant, aber nicht für den Konstrukteur. Lassen Sie also für eine bestimmte Rolle den Eintrag weg.

What is the structure of the dialog?

  • Some rows such as "Standard Title", "Standard Number" or "Dimension" for example ensure a correct identification of a part.

  • Any other rows may be added optionally when building the dialog box. In this way values can be selected or entered by free input and then be transferred into the LinkDB.

Example 2 for dialog "new ident-no."

Example 2 for dialog "new ident-no."


Concerning key naming oriente at general variable names such as NTLANG, NN, LINALANG, NB or LinkDB variable names.

For each key a list of values has to be specified.

In the following the field values (separated be the character defined under "SEPARATOR") are listed.

  • InternalVar=VarPLinkInternal:

    (in order to avoid any problems, normally use the key name again here)

  • StaticText: Description text of input row

  • required:

    Value range: 0/1

    • 1 (default): entry required

    • 0: no entry required

  • Add2DB: Value entered in LINKDB

    Value range: 0/1; default 1

  • default: Default value (empty by default)

  • freeinput: Visibility of respective row.

    Value range: 0/1

    • 0: Row not visible

      Makes sense for Standard Title, Standard Number, Dimension or automatically generated ERP number for example.

    • 1: Necessarily set for all rows with values which have to be changed.

  • ShowInDialog: Visibility in the dialog box

    Value range: 0/1

    • 1 (default): The respective row is visible.

    • 0: The respective row is not visible (but a default value can be entered in the LINKDB, however it will not be shown in the dialog box)

  • selectionfile: File (e.g. material_assign.cfg) containing options, which are displayed in a combo box.

    Also see material_assign.cfg.

    Exemplary content of the stated file:


    For a certain standard number, other default values may be defined as well.

    Exemplary content of the stated file:

    1=1.4301 (V2A)
    2=1.4571 (V4A)

    Also see Section 4.11.2, “ erpcustom.cfg -> Block [dialogOnExport] - Automatic generation of ERP number: Export dialog for material and other fields yes/no ”.

  • combotype:

    Value range:

    • full: it is possible both to select an option or to enter a value

    • static (no own values may be entered)

    • button

    • empty (entry of own value possible)

  • regular expression



  • Message if Regexp fails


    Only numbers allowed (no comma)

USERDIALOG translations

Translations for descriptions in USERDIALOG can be given by adding a block [USERDIALOG-TRANSLATIONS-<language>].

Standard terms are covered by NLS translations. However, new terms are not translated in this way. In following figure "Werkstoff X" could not be translated, for example.

"Werkstoff X" remains untranslated.

"Werkstoff X" remains untranslated.

Enter required translations according to following example:

Werkstoff X:=Material X:

NB=NB    |Normbezeichnung:  |0 |0     |  |0 |1 | |   |  |
NTLANG=NTLANG    |NTLANG:  |0  |0     |   |0 |1  |   | |   |
NN=NN   |Norm:  |0 |0  |   |0  |1  |   |  |  |
LINALANG=LINALANG   |LINALANG:   |0  |0 |  |0  |1  |  |  |  |
Werkstoff=MAT_NAME  |Werkstoff X: |1 |1 | |1 |1 |material_assign.cfg |full |.* |
Location 1=LOC1 |Location 1:   |1  |1  |  |1 |1   |loc1.cfg  |full |.*   |


"Werkstoff X" translated by "Material X"

"Werkstoff X" translated by "Material X"