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Manual NX: Macro independent placement dialog


Under certain circumstances the use of the placement Macro for native placement strategy leads to errors:

Reasons may be, for example:

  • Native placement of parts from Teamcenter into an assembly does not work as of TC2009 and causes a NX crash.

    [Note] Note

    Problem is no more relevant as of NX 8.0.3.

    [Note] Note

    PSOL internal placement strategies (In Cylinder, On surface and Touching Surfaces) may be used untouched by the bug.

  • File paths with empty spaces are not recognizes (resolved as of NX 8.5)


Alternatively, use a reduced user interface.

For this under $CADENAS_SETUP/ifugnx.cfg, in the block Placement comment in the key PL_UseSimplePlacementDialog with value = 1.



  • Better compatibility with older NX versions (6-7.5)

  • Native placement strategy can also be used at check out without Macro, which saves the Macro creation effort.

[61] #30081, #31689