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Manual Dependency of extension values from orientation

Extension values depend on the orientation.

By default, the displayed values of extension correspond to the real values.

As an alternative, the displayed values can be in relation to the orientation in direction of X,Y,Z axes.

Hereto, in the blocks [property_height], [property_length] and [property_width], remove the string "NOPCA":


Then at the results, extensions of length are displayed in oriented state, in 3D, the part is not displayed in oriented state.

Next to the mentioned keys there is also a "showAlways". If the value is set to 1, then this column is displayed in the results. (Then do not display the property_x/y/zextension.)

Furthermore for Topology search, for AliasProperties, take MAJOR/MINOR/MEDUM instead of SIZE=XASIZE,YASIZE,ZASIZE.

The majority of users does not wish this orientation as default.