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Manual Key "FileName"

Name of the geometry (content). Name of the content file in pool directory, File extension "pkg".

Default value

 ("<GENNAME><MATERIAL(_)>").RepChar("?<>\\%$~^'\" /@-=,+().|][;:!*#&","_")

<GENNAME><MATERIAL(_)>: The file name contains the Standard Name (NB) and the material (if existing). Additional information on Material with or without integration is found below.

RepChar("?<>\\%$~^'\" /@-=,+().|][;:!*#&","_").RepRegExp("^_","",1).RepSeq("__,_"): Replace denied characters

MaxLen(128): Maximal length of file name

[Hinweis] Hinweis

A document has 2 files and 2 display names.

  • FileName = Name of the geometry (content), name of the content file.

  • DisplayName = Name of the instance

  • InstanceFileName = Name of the instance file

    If "InstanceFileName" is not set, then for this "DisplayName" is used.

    If "DisplayName" is not set, then for this "FileName" is used.