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Manual Save table - ID information

A new or changed table file (*.tab) can only then be saved and left, once theID data was made.

  1. Click the ID data button.

--> The following menu with the same name opens.

  1. Insert your information according to the image and confirm with OK. All fields must be filled!



Standard name

Generally consisting of variables/table values. Must be unique!

BOM name

Alternative standard designation; is also transmitted to CAD while exporting; appears in the BOM of CAD

Standard Number

e.g. “DIN 1587“

Standard title

Description of the standard part

Release date

Date of measurement or product standard

Company name

Your company

Format Version

e.g. revision number

[Note] Note
  • In the Standard name field, pay close attention to the syntax! Make sure to carry out your specifications within the two assigned inverted commas. If you want to take over the table values with their descriptions, please attach these to the actual description in the format Dollar sign variable name dot (without empty spaces): see above: 'Cap nut for training $NENN.'

  • The information orients itself to the usual standard works.

  1. Save the table file.

  2. Close PARTeditor. --> You return to PARTproject.