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Manual  Variables containing external references

Define the respective column under PARTproject -> General -> Variables -> Variables containing external references and enter the link path to the desired document. Now the table signalizes the link by an icon or green column highlighting (depending on version).

PARTdataManager: linked additional information

PARTdataManager: linked additional information

  • Document to open:

    Define the document which shall be opened when clicking on the defined column.

    The document (also several for different languages) has to be stored in the project directory.

    If documents are available in several languages attach a language ID to the file name separated by an underscore. In the example below "_english" and "_german".

    In PARTproject -> General -> Variables -> Variables containing external references -> Document to open set the following entry:


    Explorer - Additional documents

    Explorer - Additional documents

    PARTproject - Document to be opened

    PARTproject - Document to be opened

    [Note] Note

    Note regarding syntax:

    If it is a table variable or a table constant, then the syntax is $VARNAME. In addition, there is the point of the file extension, thus two points in total.

    If an environment variable is used, then the syntax is $(ENVNAME). This does not need a point, thus one point in total.

  • Executable (WIN):

    Define the program (*.exe) to be opened when clicking on the defined column (WIN)

  • Program to be carried out (UNIX):

    Define the program (*.exe) to be opened when clicking on the defined column (UNIX).