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Manual Defining first condition

To fit the butterfly screw into the diameter, a condition has to be defined.

  1. Therefore open the Conditions context menu of the butterfly screw.

  2. --> The window Insert condition... opens.

    --> The Condition properties window opens.

    Only the following is valid right now:

    The Nominal thread diameter of the butterfly screw should correspond to the Diameter of the Drill.

  1. Last name: Enter a name for the condition.

  2. Right-click on the field Condition 1. --> The corresponding context menu opens.

  3. Choose the menu item Choose variable... .

    --> The Variable browser window is opened.

  1. The variables of the plate are displayed when you click on the abbreviation PL the field Parts.

  2. In the Variables of part field, select variable D, the diameter of the boring.

  3. Confirm with OK.

    --> In the Condition 1 field, the following shows up:

  1. Open the context menu of the Condition 2 field and define the second part of the condition.

  1. In other words, select the variable DG from the butterfly screw FS. DG is the Nominal thread diameter of the screw.

  2. Confirm with OK.

  1. As the parameter set the =sign. The selection of parameters can be seen once you open the list field via the down arrow.

  1. --> In the Condition properties window, the expression PL@D=FS@DG must now be located.

    In words: The diameter in the boring of th plate corresponds to the thread diameter of the butterfly screw.

  1. Confirm with OK.

    --> Dialog area Configurator: The condition (if) Diameter shows up.

    --> The thread diameter of the butterfly screw is oriented to the boring diameter of the plate.

    If in the 3D preview you mark the plate , the respective Table shows up.

  2. Now select the characteristic of the boring diameter 6 mm for D, etc., for example.

    ...now only butterfly screws with a Nominal thread diameter of 6 mm are possible for combination.