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7.2. Create Search assistant / Calculation assistant

In this chapter, the most important points are explained, on how to create a Search assistant (Project type Search Assistant) or Calculation assistant (Project type Calculation Assistant) in eCATALOGsolutions. The process of creation is very similar at both types. The following description refers to a Search assistant.

  1. In PARTproject, under Edit project, select the tabbed page General, and there under Project type, the selection Search Assistant.

  2. In PARTdesigner, in the Variable Manager, create the variables SEARCHPATH and SEARCH. This is mandatory.

    • SEARCHPATH: Normally search path is catalog name.

    • SEARCH: Here, the search value has to be entered.

      This value is displayed in PARTdataManager, in the input field of Full-text search later.

  3. In PARTdesigner, create the table with the desired variables to be displayed in the assistant later.

    Table in PARTdesigner

    Table in PARTdesigner

    Display in PARTdataManager

    Display in PARTdataManager

  4. Create the respective algorithms.

Details on how to use the assistant in PARTdataManager can be found under Section, “Customized filter assistants ” in PARTsolutions / PARTcommunity4Enterprise - User manual.