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Manual  Type "Value range variable with naming"

If you do not want to display the original values, but instead of it mapped textual values such as "on" / "off" or "Form A" / "Form B", then choose the type Value range variable with naming.

In the following the procedure is described with the help of a little example:[56]

A rotation of a cut shall get a condition and then the feature display shall be controlled by a value range variable.

  1. In the first step a value range variable is created in the Variable Manager.

    Create a variable with the respective parameters.[57]

    • Name: Here in the example "FORM".

    • Mode: Select Dual mode.

      [Note] Note

      When using value range variables the parameters have to be saved both in the 3db file and in the tab/tac file. That's why you have to use the Dual mode.

    • DIN / ISO-ID: optionally

    • Unit: optionally

    • Data type: Here in the example Integer is chosen.

      [Note] Note

      Please note the conformity of data types.

      When stating 0, 'A', 1,'B' in the equation, then you have to select Integer under Data type. When stating 'H','Hexagon', 'C','Cylinder' for example, then you have to select Text under Data type.

    • Identification type: Here Geometry attribute

    • Status: Select the option Value range variable with naming.

    • Equation:

      [Note] Note

      When using the type Value range variable with naming pairs of values are used:

      Each first value denotes the internally used value, each second value the display value in the table.

      Depending on whether the internally used value is text or number, under Data type, the correct selection has to be made. Text or Integer/Decimal number.




      Example 1:


      0 is assigned to A, 1 to B. The internal values are numbers, so for this variable the data type Number (Integer / Decimal number) has to be set.

      Example 2:


      H is assigned to Hexagon, C to Cylinder, B to Bolt. The internal values are Text, so for this variable the data type Text has to be set. Textual values have to be set between two single quotation marks ('Text').

  2. In the second step a sketch is created in the Sketcher, which is used for a "Cut".

  3. In the third step the cutting sketch gets a respective Condition, which creates the cut depending on the value of the variable FORM.

    Only create, if Only create, if

    Only create, if

  4. To display the column of the value range variable with naming in the PARTdesigner, go to the Test mode.

    Click into the value range field and select the desired value.

  5. Just as well you can test in the PARTdataManager. Table view and value selection is identical as in the PARTdesigner.

    In the column FORM, click on the value range icon and select the desired form.

    FORM A

    FORM A

    FORM B

    FORM B

[56] The adequate example can be found in the "Training" catalog under \v11_news\value_ranges\value_ranges_with_naming\value_ranges_with_naming.prj.